Thor is for Thorsday: Dress Up Thor

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Today BSB has something fun for you to do. We created a super awesome dress up paper Thor for you.

1. Click on the image and save it to your desktop.

2. Print and cut out the image.

3. Dress up your Thor and create some awesome Thor designs of your own.

4. Take some pictures or scan your Thor.

5. Email your Thor to


Thor is for Thorsday: Nyan What?

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WTF is a Nyan Cat?! Everyone keeps talking about it. Here’s a video of the original (do yourself a favour and only watch 30 seconds of it. Take Thor’s word, NOTHING HAPPENS!)

Three questions come to mind:

1. Why is it a cat?

2. Why is he wearing a pop-tart?

3 Why is he pooping out rainbows?

Let’s try to answer these questions in order. Okay so, number one. I don’t  know the answer to that one. It seems that if they were trying to make it cute they should have used a cuter animal. What is cuter than a cat… a bunny, obviously!

Number two. Pop-tarts are not universally recognized food. “What the hell is this cat wearing?” people on the other side of the world would ask. Then we would have to explain that a pop-tart is a delicious morning pastry, with jam on the inside and icing on the outside. But not wanting to be exclusive, why not come up with a universally acceptable food… like pickles. Everyone loves pickles!

Finally, why is the cat pooping rainbows? Who knows, but rainbows are awesome, so the question you should be asking is why not?

So, lets review: 1. bunnies are much cuter; 2. universally recognized food, like pickles; 3. rainbows are awesome. Result: Thor’s very own Nyan Bunny!!!

Oh, yeah!!! And then there’s a song: “Bunny on a pickle jar na na na na, Bunny on a pickle jar! (repeat at least 5 times or how ever long it will take to annoy your friends)