I had to do a school project.

I worked hard, wrote lots, and drew some picutres.

I wrote in my final report that food security mainly concerns the safe and consistent access of food at all times to all people.

I have no food worries as a Canadian living with year-round access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and wide assortment of grains, some may argue:

But, I can think of another group of people not so dissimilar from us who have food security issues:

It’s a game-changing event, being transformed into a Zombie. All of a sudden, what appealed to the palate before, now disgusts. Only one thing can quench the fire of hunger:


And not just any old brains, but Human brains.

And for some reason, your hands turn into grey mitts with the worst manicure known to human kind.

The point is, however, that all of a sudden the variety of things you had access to and enjoyed before has been needlessly reduced, and now you rely on only one type of food for sustenance.

 Oh, and your food is constantly running away from you.

Oh, and for some reason your mobility has been reduced to a lack-lustre shuffle (unless, of course, you were part of that movie 28 days later, then you’ve become the kind of Zombie who can make 100m Olympic sprinters sweat).

So before you scoff at the idea that Canadians have food insecureaties, think of the Zombies.

Do they ever have food security?